The Burden of the Call

We all want a calling. It is the embodiment of purpose, of mission and meaningfulness in a meaningless world. We can go to great length to look for and discover it.  But the call often comes with a great burden. There is an initial heaviness around it, it leaves no...

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via contemplativa

via contemplativa

At this natural stillpoint of the year, many of us are already filling our calendars with resolutions that will ensure our busy-ness in the months to come. The ideology of achievement runs deep through the fabric of our society. We often feed it to our children from...

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The Spiritual Pilgrim

The Spiritual Pilgrim

  "Un missionnaire du moyen âge raconte qu'il avait trouvé le point où le ciel et la Terre se touchent.." / "A medieval missionary says he has found the point where the sky and the earth meet.." . Flammarion engraving (sometimes referred to as "The Spiritual...

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On Transformation

On Transformation

"Will transformation. O be ravenous for the fire in which a thing boastful with change forever eludes you; that designing Spirit which plots earth's flourishes, -- it loves most in the figure's élan the moment of turning. What shackles itself in survival already is...

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