Highly Attuned


Highly Attuned:
A Guided Process and Support Group 


Do you sometimes wish the world was a quieter place, and its inhabitants a bit more gentle with each other?

Do you require deep conversations and plenty of processing time for your inner experience to feel ready to meet the world?

Do you tend to overgive in relationships, neglecting yourself while focusing on the other, and later end up feeling drained and resentful? Would you like to learn to set better boundaries and learn how to be present with yourself while also being in relationship with others?

Does it sometimes seem that you’re the only one struggling with these things, and that everyone else seems to have an easier time at life?

Highly sensitive people, empaths, intuitives, you may feel like you don’t belong in this noisy, busy world. Some of you may have honed to perfection the art of invisibility, hiding amidst the crowd, masking yourself. And at times, this may have served you well and kept you safe. Yet at other times, it may have felt deeply lonely and homeless, to be seen as this strange mythical creature that requires special care and a very specific way of life to be able to exist. 

I believe that you hold gifts that our world desperately needs, and that it is necessary today for sensitives and intuitives to come out of hiding and re-claim their place in the world to become the New Normal and the leaders of tomorrow.

Highly Attuned is a Group
for Highly Sensitive People (HSPs), Empaths, and Intuitives.

Here are the details:

  • A virtual group meeting every other Sunday
  • Process, support, and community for highly sensitive people (HSPs), empaths, and intuitives
  • Supporting self-knowledge, relationship health, and intuitive development
  • Begins Late Summer / Fall 2024
  • Facilitated by Vesna Lubina Westbrook, Licensed Psychotherapist + Certified Philosophical Counselor

This group offers guided process, support, and community for highly sensitive people (HSPs), empaths, and intuitives.

In our group, we cover the following topics:

  • Setting healthy boundaries
  • Increasing energy and preventing exhaustion
  • Navigating relationship dynamics in partnerships, families, and at work
  • Working with your intuition, finding purpose, and living authentically
  • As well as topics you bring in and what emerges within the group.

If you would like to understand yourself better, make sense of your experience, and grow your gifts, this may be your group.

We meet every two weeks over Zoom.

Sign up for Highly Attuned or ask a question:

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